Francesco Valentini

Francesco Valentini, born in Monfalcone (Gorizia) Itália. Law degree on 06/16/1991 at the University of Modena with a score of 105/110. PhD in Administrative Law at the University of Milan. Lawyer in Italy (Modena) since 1998. Researcher at the Lusiada Lisbon university(1998), at the faculty of Law - Law course of the university.


- Owner of a law firm in Modena, Via Farini nº 35 until 2001.
- Member of an International interprofessional group practice, located in Italy, called SILTA until 31.12.2007;
- Director of the Legal - Tax International Consulting Society called DIKE MADEIRA - Serviços de Consultadoria Economica e Legal Internacional Lda, based in Funchal - Madeira - Portugal: currently in office.
- Professor of Masters in Tax Law, International Economic Law and Entrepreneurship in Public University (Bologna, Bari, Rome, Lisbon) and Private Institutions (Milan, Rome, Bologna, Bari). 


- Member of IBA (International Bar Association):-based World Association of Lawyers Internationalists.
- Experience in the field of international taxation and operation of structured finance and extraordinary business, securitization and similar types.
- Legal counsel and tax of society Venture Capital, as well as investment funds and closed-end real estate funds with investment group within the European and Extra - European.
- Author of several articles on the issue of the legal nature of the Trust in the European civil law.
- Founder in 2014 of the FAREM project and its FAREM Network Platform, start - up of an e-commerce (B2B) on a worldwide basis to enable multi crossing business intentions of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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